Great Gathering – 5th Grade Moms’ Euchre Night
Hey, 5th grade moms! Let's play Euchre! Join us for a fun night of cards, cocktails, crudites, canapes, camaraderie, and some casual card-shark-ery!
Hey, 5th grade moms! Let's play Euchre! Join us for a fun night of cards, cocktails, crudites, canapes, camaraderie, and some casual card-shark-ery!
Pickup your beautiful order from the Spring Plant Sale!
Come spend the afternoon playing flag football and hanging out with your Fourth grade friends. We'll provide gatorade and snacks and a semi-professional referee, or you know, someone to control the chaos.
Join us for the Second Annual Classic Cocktails. It will be a relaxed evening of delicious drinks paired with small bites from regions across the United States. Miss Emily & Miss Kym have curated a menu inspired from coast to coast, paired with regional craft cocktails expertly prepared by Pete. Lauren and Ryan will guide […]
Celebrate a fun year of 1st Grade with your fellow classmates! Join us at the Highland Park Picnic Shelter (near Montreal Ave. & Edgcumbe Ave.) to play on the playground, play yard games, and eat pizza! The event is from 4-6 pm. on Sunday, May 19th, with pizza served around 5:00. All 1st Grade families […]
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