January PTA Meeting (virtual)
Zoom link will be sent out prior to meetingZoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81446571518?pwd=UVAxRVo4c2IzT1AxVEkvb1J4THVBdz09 Meeting ID: 814 4657 1518 Passcode: 677902
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81446571518?pwd=UVAxRVo4c2IzT1AxVEkvb1J4THVBdz09 Meeting ID: 814 4657 1518 Passcode: 677902
FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 3 Online Silent Auction Bidding (including Great Gathering sign-ups!) FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 2023 Evening event (adults only!) at the University of St. Thomas Woulfe Alumni Hall Program & Live Auction Showcase! **Tickets on sale January 13, 2023 on the auction website** Visit the Auction website for more details: https://one.bidpal.net/allaboardhoracemann/welcome
Mark your calendars for the March PTA meeting on 3/14/23 at 6pm Please join us for the March PTA meeting Meeting Agenda Highlights: •Mr. Litwin will speak about school safety •Teacher and treasurer reports •Silent and Live Auction debrief •PTA committee updates https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88229219481?pwd=TFlRNGY1b3FtRTh0T0RiU1dISVVRdz09 Meeting ID: 882 2921 9481 Passcode: 796165 •
Please consider volunteering by signing up for a shift here. Thank you!
Mark your calendars for Friday, February 2nd and join other families in the Horace Mann community for a movie night from 5:30-7:30pm in Holleran Hall (HMS cafeteria). We will be showing Wreck It Ralph. Bring a cozy blanket (or two) and we will provide the popcorn! This is not a drop-off event.
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