PTA Meeting Agenda – Jan 5, 2021

PTA Meeting Agenda – Jan 5, 2021

2020-21 Horace Mann  PTA Meeting Agenda 

January 5th, 2021

Agenda Item:Purpose:Who:Time:
Welcome and IntroductionsInformationLaura5 min
Guiding goals for 2020-21: Transparent, Supportive, Responsible.
We encourage and invite youth participation in all PTA meetings, committee’s, and events to provide greater student voice and leadership opportunities.
We seek ways for the HM PTA to support the co-curricular activities (Girls on the Run, Scouts, Anti-Bullying Club, etc.) that directly benefit the HM community.
HM PTA website (see below)
HM PTA FB page (see below)
HM PTA  Employer match and Amazon Smile (see below)
HM PTA FB page guideline reminder (see below)
HM PTA Directory guideline reminder (see below)
New Business
Mr. Dutcher Family Sing-A-Long Save the Date: Friday, January 29th  2021 7 pm.  More information to follow in Perspectives and FB
2020-21 HM PTA Membership list (see below)
Auction Committee request
Chat for new ideas.
5 min
Treasurer’s Report (see below)Information
Mike10  min
Old Business
2020-21 Questions/Answers (see below)
Leadership and Volunteer Opportunities (see below)
Volunteering (see below)
InformationKarla5 min
PTA Committee Updates (see below)
Scholastic Book Fair Committee
TIMI Committee
Read-a-Thon Committee
Family Volunteer Service Committee
Comm. Chairs5 min

HM PTA website:  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please email 

Facebook HM Family “private” group

Employer match and Amazon Smile: We also encourage families to check with their employers as many offer a company match to the cash donations made by their employees and if you are an Amazon user, go to and search for “PTA Minnesota Congress 008740 Horace Mann PTA” and designate HM PTA as your charitable organization.

Facebook HM PTA Guidelines:

This “Horace Mann School & PTA” group exists to build community among current Horace Mann families. This group forum is to share information about Horace Mann School PTA and community events, to help facilitate dialogue among the HMS community, and to showcase the achievements of students, teachers, parents, and other HMS community members.

Community Rules

We encourage you to ask questions and share information. We request that you keep discussions focused directly concerning our school community.

We encourage posts that highlight our community’s accomplishments and constructively raise issues for discussion.

When posting, please use appropriate language.

If you choose, you can post photos of your children at school events. Do not post photos of other children. If you have any questions about posting a particular photo, please check with the Facebook page (group) administrator.

Do not post about concerns, problems, or conflicts with individual teachers, administrators, students, or parents. We will immediately delete posts that in any way put down or discriminate against individuals.

Online threats will be taken seriously, and proper authorities will be immediately notified.

Do not post information commonly understood as confidential, such as student grades.

Any inflammatory statements that make allegations against individuals or organizations will be deleted.

Keep in mind what you post is public to all members of the group.

Any advertising for businesses is not allowed.

Do not publish content as your own that has been created by others

The PTA board and PTA Facebook administrators reserve the right to delete comments and block users who are not following the rules stated above.

Postings on this page are the sole responsibility of the person posting and do not reflect the views of Horace Mann School, Horace Mann School PTA, or St. Paul Public Schools. 

HM PTA Directory Guidelines:  The HM PTA directory is produced by a committee of volunteers as a service for school families to be able to contact students’ friends, classmates, and teachers. The directory is not to be used for outside interests such as political or business mailing or any other purposes which are not approved by the Horace Mann School Administration and HM PTA.  Please contact the HM PTA President at for more information regarding appropriate use if you are interested.

2020-21 HM PTA Membership list: 

  • Abigail Mosher
  • Allison & Matt Broughton
  • Allison Deep & Ben Perry
  • Amy Hannigan (S)
  • Amy Kortuem (T)
  • Andy Beger & Jeanette Beger
  • Andrew Streasick & Sarah Schultz
  • Ann D’Amour & Jeff Davidson
  • Anna Witt (T)
  • Ariel & Dan Dressler
  • Bethany & Andrew Hyde
  • Brendan & Karla Lauerman Cummins
  • Carrie Asmus (S)
  • Catherine & Steve Guglielmo
  • Cheryl Holt (S)
  • Chris & Sarah Bosch (S)
  • Cynthia Gipple (S)
  • David & Shannon Palm
  • Jennifer & Todd Williams
  • Jill Mack
  • Jim Litwin (S)
  • John “Alex” & Tasia Stuart
  • Judy Browne (S)
  • Karen Vander Sanden & Samuel Goblirsch
  • Kelly & Mike Axtell
  • Kim Hwang (T)
  • Laura & Nate Willson
  • Mariana Tennyson (T)
  • Mark Lindskoog (T) 
  • Mary Simmons (T)
  • Melanie & Scott McMahon
  • Nora & Pamela Smyth
  • Pia Cole (S)
  • Sarah Johnson (T)

Treasurer’s Report Fiscal Report for November 1-December 31:  Dan Dressler, Mike Axtel

YTD Total Revenue: $ 38,633
YTD Total Expenses: $ 15,364
YTD  Revenue subtract Expenses: $ 23,268

Bank Account Balance as of 12/31/2020: $ 121,640.05
Nov/Dec 2020  Revenue: $ 36,419
Nov/Dec  2020 Expenses: $ 11,213
Nov/Dec Revenue subtract Expenses: $ 25,206
*Our YTD is August 2020-July 2021 

If you are interested in more details of the PTA budget please contact Dan or Mike directly at

Old Business: 

2020-21 Questions/Requests at prior PTA Meetings In Process:

  • Q:Will we have vocal music concerts this year?  A: At this point SPPS will not be allowing any musical performances at this time.  Perhaps a virtual concert or outdoors, maybe a virtual family sing along with Mr. Dutcher. Will wait to hear from Mr. Litwin about music and the in-person school plan.
  • Questions to Principal Litwin: Will DC be allowed to be in the building during hybrid learning during the school day? A.  It is not decided but I do not think so.  Plus, Tier 1 care will increase when teachers return.  Will wait to hear from Mr. Litwin about DC and the in-person school plan.
  • Questions to Principal Litwin:  Do you think morning announcements can return by the Principal? A: No, although I will do announcements for large school events and I have a plan for birthdays. 
  • Questions to Principal Litwin: Hybrid question and answer meeting with Mr. Litwin please?  A: postponed but Mr. Litwin will schedule his own meeting to answer hybrid questions.  Mr. Litwin will use the PTA meeting link in January.
  • Q: Could we have a Business Partnership  (BP) with Storied Owl to support them? A: BP have decided to only host BP if approached by the business this year to ensure it is to the business benefit.  We can maybe connect in the spring. 
  • Q: Could the PTA organize drivers for delivery again for SPPS?  A: Yes if SPPS/HM would like us to do it.  Email sent to Principal Litwin November 2020.  Mr. Litwin let us know that the next school supply delivery is scheduled for January 21 and 22 2021 so we would like to deliver all things not picked up the week of January 25th-30th. Prior we could investigate the best dates and times and also coordinate addresses for efficiency.  Abby M. offered to help with spreadsheets.  Allison L. reminded us to text/call first or connect with SPPS student support to use expertise/ideas of what would work best for families. Will wait to hear from Mr. Litwin about any delivery needs and the in-person school plan.
  • Q: Could SPPS/HM help families with DL, technology, etc.?  A: Forwarded to Mr. Litwin November 2020. Will wait to hear from Mr. Litwin about this and the in-person school plan.

2020-21 Questions/Requests at prior PTA Meetings Resolved:

  • Q: What was the auction revenue last year? A: $40,375.00 revenue. $2,899.00 expenses. $37,476 net income.
  • Q: Free Family Fun Night Ideas? A: Email: Alex Kotze. 
  • Q: Can the Scholastic Book Fair information be on the HM PTA website. A: Yes and done. 
  • Q: Can the PTA assist with the school supplies delivery for those families that did not pick up? A: Yes, we emailed all families that did not pick up and offered to deliver.  
  • Q: Can siblings get a MITI bag? A: We are just trying to figure out how many to make.  Will try to give all projects in the bag so the siblings can all have something. 
  • Q: Can PTA send flowers to Mr. Mike’s funeral. A: Yes and sent.

Leadership and Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Board Opening co-recorder 2020-21
  • Board Shadowing 2020-21
  • MITI co-chair 2021-22
  • Scholastic Book Fair co-chair 2021-22
  • Family Volunteer Service committee members 2020-21
  • Yearbook co-chair and committee members 2020-21
  • Committee chair/co-chair/members/volunteers

Volunteering : Please consider volunteering this year.  No experience necessary? All are welcome.  Complete the Volunteer Form: 2020-2021 Volunteer Form. You can find more information about the PTA Committees and other volunteer opportunities at  20-21 PTA Volunteer Programs and Event Descriptions This 2020-2021 Volunteer Form replaces the paper copy that we have distributed in past years.  It will take less than a minute. Questions?  Please contact Volunteer Coordinators Jill Mack and Karen Vander Sanden at

Committee Reports:

Auction Committee, Allison Broughton/Amy Colaizy Hannigan:: Event Updates & Seeking Advocates/Promoters!  The auction will be held online on Friday, March 12, 2021, and will feature a video program, silent auction, and direct request for donations.  As we get closer to the event, we will be seeking a small group of additional volunteers to help get the word out and generate a “buzz” for the event.  Time commitment is minimal, and this is a perfect opportunity for those active on social media.  To learn more, please contact Allison Broughton and Amy Colaizy Hannigan at  We will hold an information session & training for event promotion support at the start of our committee meeting on Tuesday, January 12 from 6:30-7:00. 

Scholastic Book Fair Committee  Katie Walter: Thank you to everyone who shopped at and promoted our Scholastic Book Fair. Our sales totaled $2,424.40- that’s more than 400 books in the hands of our readers! What’s more, we earned more than $600 to buy books for our school library. Thank you to the following people that assisted with organizing the Scholastic Book Fair:  Jeanette Beger, Grace Hanson, Emily Hansen, Jill Mack, and Alex Kotze. If you would like to get involved  in 2021 please email Katie Walter at

Take It, Make It, Grace Hanson:  Thank you to all who made the 2020 ¨Take It, Make It”a success!  Due to Covid-19 the group got creative and switched gears to create an at home crafting experience.  There was a great response to the format with 80 families picking up kits.  Thank you again to committee members Ariel Dressler, Britt Moore, Jen Williams and for Ms. Judy Browne, Karla Lauerman Cummins and Dan Dressler for helping with distribution. If you have any questions or would like to join the committee please email Grace Hanson

Read-a-Thon 2020:  Reading Brings Us Together – Creating a More Inclusive, Equitable, and Just Community Megan Czarniecki:  Thank you students and families for your participation in the 2020 Read-a-Thon. We hope students had fun reading and met their reading goals.  Continue to look for fun online resources such as  Please, Please the Bees on for some reading inspiration. The generosity of HM families and friends is amazing!  We exceeded this  year´s fundraising goal with over $23,000 in online, check and cash donations to the HM PTA in honor of our young readers. Plus, all donations made through Give to the Max Day generated an additional $13,000 in matching gift donations.  We cannot thank you enough for helping fund PTA sponsored activities and resources such as vocal music and library materials. Of course donations to Read-a-Thon are still accepted online at or checks/cash can be mailed to Read-a-Thon Committee c/o Horace Mann School at 2001 Eleanor Ave., St Paul, MN 55116. Thank you for your generous support!  

A small but mighty committee had the confidence to move forward during Distance Learning. Thank you Tia Anderson, Becky Mayer, Megan Czarniecki, Sarah Bosch, and Ms. Tennyson. A true team effort with assistance from Brandon Mason, Aaron Litzenberg, Ms. Holt, Ms. Judy Browne, Abby Mosher, Nicole Jasma, Ms. Imholte, Amy Johnson, Dan Dressler, Elizabeth Golden, Emily Hanson, Heather Clark, Catherine Guglielmo, Jeannette Beger, Jen Williams, Karla Lauerman Cummins, Jessica Tickner, Katie Walter, Tasia Stuart, Becky Clifford, Brad Nolan, Ms. Gipple, Joy Collman, Maureen Hartung, Tisha Gabriel (any anyone that we inadvertently missed ?). A special thank you to our amazing $10,000 anonymous matching grant donor for Readathon and Give to the Max!

Family Volunteer Service Committee: Julie Steiner/Chandra Kilgriff: The FVS event will be remote with pick-up and drop-off components at scheduled times.  We are trying to decide between February or April.  Feedback appreciated.  Ideas for activities are still to be determined but we are looking for connections, suggestions on organizations. We are trying to decide on a theme and if it can be integrated into the classrooms.  We would love to have people volunteer to join our committee or just jump in to help out.  If you are interested contact or

President: Karla Lauerman Cummins

Vice President: Jen Williams

Treasurers: Dan Dressler and Mike Axtel

Teacher Representative: Amy Kortuem

Communications: Laura Willson and Melanie McMahon

Catherine Guglieimo: Recording Secretary:

Karen Vander Sanden and Jill Mack: Volunteer Coordinator:

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