The Spring Plant Sale is here!

The Spring Plant Sale is here!

It’s finally that time of year…the Horace Mann Spring Plant sale is here!

The Plant Sale is a fantastic opportunity for school families, neighbors and friends to contribute to the many wonderful PTA programs that support or school and teachers.

Plus, your order is delivered directly to the school!

Your favorites are back!

Plant combo kits from Wagner’s Greenhouse

Planting a pot for your front step or patio has never been easier!

7 plants are packaged for easy planting into a decorative pot, window box, or right into your garden

Brighten Your Spring with Flowers

baskets, patio tubs and MORE from Gerten’s Greenhouse

Order online at:

The website allows you to:

  • See full color photos of each plant or basket
  • Pick the right plant for you! See specifics on each plant
  • Use your credit card for payment – no confusing forms
  • Forward the link to your friends, neighbors and family to support our school!

Please note the following important dates:

  • Wednesday April 10th – Online order submission deadline
  • Thursday May 16th – Plant order pickup at Horace Mann

2019 Pant Sale Highlights:

  • Potted Annuals: a great selection of new and favorite annuals
  • Bedding Plant Flats and Half Flats
  • Perennial selections
  • Hanging Baskets & Tubs in various sizes
  • Tomatoes, Peppers, Strawberries and several herbs
  • $25 Gerten’s gift cards

Thank you for your support!

Questions… please contact The Plant Sale Committee (

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